Pakistani lawyer may apply to Hong Kong in the following capacities. There are different pathways available for Immigration to Hong Kong.

- Quality Migration Admission Scheme
The Scheme seeks to attract highly skilled or talented persons to settle in Hong Kong in order to enhance Hong Kong’s economic competitiveness. Successful applicants are not required to have secured an offer of local employment before their entry to Hong Kong for settlement. All applicants are required to fulfill a set of prerequisites before they can be awarded points under one of the two points-based tests, namely the General Points Test and Achievement-based Points Test.
All applicants under the Scheme are required to fulfill a set of prerequisites before they can be awarded points under one of the two points-based tests under the Scheme.
The following factors shall be considered in this scheme Age, Financial Requirement,
Language proficiency, Education, Experience.1
- Registered Foreign Law Firm
A Pakistani Lawyer who had 3 years standing can set up Foreign Registered Law Firm (Sole proprietorship) in Hong Kong and work as a Sole Proprietorship in Hong Kong.
Under section 39C, registered foreign law firms may form associations with Hong Kong law firms under an agreement can share fees, profits, premises, management or employees.
Under the association, the foreign law may advise on foreign law, while the Hong Kong firm advises on Hong Kong law. The two firms can share fees, profits, premises and employees. The fee for the registration of Foreign Registered Law Firm is 1Million Pakistani Rupees.
- Registered Foreign Lawyer
A Lawyer must have 3 years experience to apply as Registered Foreign Lawyer in Hong Kong. First he will apply a job in any law firm in Hong Kong and after that he/she will registered himself/herself as a Foreign Lawyer.
Once registered as a foreign lawyer, you can advise on or handle: any matter expected to be subject to the law of a jurisdiction other than Hong Kong. He must competent be in drafting Corporate contracts and Agreements.
The average salary for a Registered Foreign Lawyer is HK$480,000 per year in Hong Kong
3. Legal Consultant
A Pakistani Lawyer must have 3 years experience to apply as a Legal Consultant in Hong Kong. He will apply a job as a Legal Consultant in Hong Kong and he must competent be in drafting Corporate contracts and Agreements. He can work in different law firms and as a in house Counsel in Hong Kong. The average salary for a Legal Consultant is HK$480,000 per year in Hong Kong.
4. Solicitor
A Pakistani Lawyer who has 3 years standing may apply as a Solicitors in Hong Kong after talking Overseas Lawyers Qualification Examination. There are 5 subjects in Overseas Lawyers Qualification Examination and after passing the exam Solicitor can work in private practice or in-house legal departments of government bodies or commercial corporations. Solicitors can also teach and research at universities. Solicitors in Hong Kong act as legal advisers to clients as well as appear in the tribunals and courts and also assist the Barrister. He may also be the Partner, Director and Secretary in a law firm and he may also start his independence practice as a Solicitor
The average salary for Solicitor is HK$161,500 per month in the Hong Kong. The average additional cash compensation for a Solicitor in the Hong Kong is HK$82,500, with a range from HK$45,000 – HK$120,000 per month.
- Barrister
For overseas or Pakistani lawyers to be qualified for admission as barristers in Hong Kong, they must:
(a) hold a currently valid certificate of admission as legal practitioner in their jurisdiction of admission;
(b) have been in practice for at least 3 years in the jurisdiction of admission;
(c) be persons of good standing in the jurisdiction of admission; and
(d) pass the Barristers Qualification Examination
The average salary for Barrister is HK$263,000 per month in the Hong Kong. The average additional cash compensation for a Lawyer in the Hong Kong is HK$190,000, with a range from HK$135,000 – HK$590,000 per month.
Mahmood Saleem
Advocate High Court
Immigration Consultant